2024 Year In Review
Reflecting on 2024, we're grateful to be a part of all God has done in and through Vibrant! It has been an incredible year of growth, transformation, and community impact. Scroll through this page to join us in celebrating what God is doing through YOUR efforts at Vibrant.

10% of our annual budget goes outside our church's walls to spread the Hope of Jesus.
"Volunteering for a night to shine and kids camp over the summer also were great experiences that I will continue every year! Getting to see young people enjoy our space and get to experience it. Our community is truly fantastic! Whether they are a believer or not, getting to witness them experiencing the gift of Vibrant brings me such joy!!!" – Jordan

We saw 84 baptisms this year! Each baptism represents a life being transformed by God.
“My daughter was baptized. The decision she made to dedicate her life to Jesus, it was a proud moment and affirmed my decision to change churches and join Vibrant.” – Natalie
“We had two big God things happen this year! First, our son Rob has been alcohol free for over 6 months. During this time he has been coming to church regularly and just recently been baptized!!! Second, our oldest grandson, Michael, began his turn towards God almost 2 years ago. Previous to that his comments about church were always "that's not my thing". He and his new wife have just recently been baptized. Both of these God things could not have happened without our church, we feel so blessed and look forward to 2025 for more blessings.” – Harry



Nearly 38% of adults engaged in a group in 2024. That includes 27 study groups, 8 interest groups, and 3 support groups.
“Our family joined a life group and it has been such a blessing for us. We’ve grown closer to God, the other families and kids in our church and to each other within our own family.” – Kourtney
“Our group has helped us form community relationships that have helped us many times when we were in need. We have had several medical emergencies in our family this last year and the church and our group have stepped up for us!” – Rachel
“I’ve been able to connect with the other people in my life group and learn from them and really lean on each other when times are hard.” – Brianna

Kids & Students
710 uniquely individual Kids & Students engaged this year.
300 of them were new to Vibrant!
Kids Weekly Programs – We saw 150+ kids (infant - 5th grade) engage with our Kids programming each week.
“I’ve had multiple families tell me that this was the first church their kids loved and felt excited to come back to!” – Jamie, Parent & Vibrant Kids Team

Start the Party – 107 kids participated in Kids Camp 2024.


Students Weekly Programs – We saw 50+ students (6th grade - 12th grade) engage with our Student programming each week.
“I got to meet so many new people and grow my relationships through my group.” – Rissa, High School Student


Church of Today – 34 students attended summer camp to deepen their relationship with Jesus and over 40 students served in various ministries.
“I decided to say yes to Jesus at Vibrant summer camp!” – Olivia, Middle School Student

Learning together
We were challenged and encouraged through several impactful sermon series.
“The Genesis series really made me realize that God can still use me even if I make mistakes” – Robin
“It was nice to hear the pastors talking about their own struggles, and how everyone in that church community has anxiety or issues that they are fighting with and really put a good perspective on everyone in this building truly comes from the same place! I feel like church can sometimes feel like everyone has to be perfect and I just love how we are constantly reminded that there’s no perfect person in that building besides the lord!” – Jordan

Event Highlights

Football Sunday

Night to Shine

Mother's Day

Father's Day

Kick Off Sunday

$1,875,103 was given in 2024!
Missions and Outreach: 10% of funds were allocated to support local and global mission partners.
Staffing and Training: 42% ensured our leaders are equipped to serve and lead well.
Thanks to your year-end gifts, we are starting the second half of the fiscal year (which goes from July - June) at 48% ($989,562) of the budgeted donations received.

“I give to help the church and others, and also simply to obey Jesus. God is always faithful and even while giving I’m never lacking for anything. The amazing thing is, the more I give, the more I want to give and help others”. – Pam
“Our family has diligently given since we started attending vibrant, even when it would have been easy to pull back on our giving due to bills or unforeseen circumstances, we never once thought about changing our tithe, instead have actually increased it multiple times. We have seen God work miracles in our finances and we are at a place of financial freedom today that we never thought possible individually or as a married couple. “ – Rachel

From baptisms to partnerships with like-minded missions or new groups to growing ministry areas within the church – your contributions made an incredible impact! God has worked in ways we could have never anticipated. Thank you for being on mission with us!
We’re excited to see what more we can do together in 2025 as we continue to connect EVERYONE to Jesus!